Horoscope Today
Daily horoscope

Horoscope Today | 28 April 2023: If you are interested in astrology, let us take you through what your day could look like.

Here is the horoscope for 28 April 2023. Read what the stars have in store for you today (28 April 2023).

Aries (March 21-April 20)

You need to put some efforts to enhance your earnings.

You need to take your exercise regime more seriously.

It is time to sharpen your focus once again on the professional front.

Giving quality time to family is indicated today, so expect a highly rewarding time.

A journey undertaken by you will be comfortable.

Good news on the property front can be expected.

Maintaining good relations with someone you don’t like becomes possible now.

Taurus (April 21-May 20)

Financial constraints can put your project on hold for some more time.

You may resolve to follow a specific diet and benefit.

This is the time to let your creativity flow and to make your presence felt on the professional or social front.

Some of you are likely to participate in a fun-filled activity at home.

You are likely to enjoy a long drive with friends.

You may plan to relocate to a better environment by taking up the search for a suitable accommodation.

A suitable mate for the eligible is likely to be found.

Gemini (May 21-Jun 21)

Excellent business opportunities are predicted for those setting out on an foreign tour.

You are likely to feel more confident in undertaking a complex assignment and do an excellent job of it too.

You will find family most supportive of your ideas.

You may undertake a short journey to meet someone special.

Romantic opportunities may not come on their own, so seek them out.

Cancer (Jun 22-July 22)

A mistake committed in a financial transaction is likely to be rectified in time.

Some of you are likely to excel on the professional front.

Some of you may find a lifestyle change beneficial on the health front.

There is a strong possibility of acquiring property that you had been wanting to for long.

A relaxing time is predicted on the romantic front in the company of lover.

Leo (July 23-August 23)

You will succeed in stabilising the financial front.

You will be able to keep up your fitness level by making conscious efforts.

You may find it hard to convince someone on the professional front.

A celebration in the family front may keep you busy.

If you plan to implement some romantic ideas on the love front, ensure that the lover is in the mood.

Virgo (August 24-September 23)

Money will not be a problem for you as you begin to earn well.

Some of you are likely to enjoy excellent health.

Your competence will be appreciated at your workplace.

A short vacation is on the cards and will help in complete rejuvenation.

Those in love may plan something special on the romantic front to impress lover.

Libra (September 24-October 23)

Investment might prove fruitful today.

Some tough time is predicted in your professional front.

Prospects of owning property look bright.

You will find things easing out a bit on the academic front.

A lifestyle change for good health will be a step in the right

Cupid strikes those looking for love in their lives.

Scorpio (October 24-November 22)

An extra source of income may start to fill up your coffers soon.

Training under supervision will help you in achieving your fitness goals.

Professional front looks satisfactory on the whole, but don’t expect everything to go as per plans.

Buying something expensive for the home cannot be ruled out for some.

Good deeds done in the past will get you the much-desired recognition.

Your romantic feelings are likely to be reciprocated by the one you love.

Sagittarius (November 23-December 21)

Balanced diet will be your mantra for keeping in shape.

Boost in earning will find you in a much more comfortable situation than before.

Those preparing for something important are likely to gain from experienced people.

Booking a property in your name is possible.

This is a favourable day for those looking for love or life partner.

Capricorn (December 22-January 21)

A change on the professional front is likely to work in your favour.

You have your reasons to get worried about a family youngster, but keep your outlook positive.

A well-planned trip promises a great time.

Property issues are resolved amicably.

Your apt financial management will keep money flowing.

Spouse or lover may give you some tough time.

Aquarius (January 22-February 19)

Balanced diet will be your key to good health.

Retailers and shop owners are likely to find business picking up and profits coming.

Wasted chances on the work front may make you miss out on a few golden opportunities.

 Success of a family member is likely to prove most fulfilling.

An enjoyable journey is foreseen for some.

Some of you are likely to acquire property in the form of a plot or an apartment.

Wedding bells may become a possibility for those in a long-term relationship.

Pisces (February 20-March 20)

Health remains satisfactory.

Monetary situation remains stable and additional earning is predicted.

This is a favourable time to introduce something you had been wanting to on the professional front.

A good time is likely to be spent in the company of friends or relatives.

You will do well to go ahead with a purchase of a piece of real estate.

Remaining secretive about an ongoing romantic affair will be in your interest.