Reproductive health is an important aspect of a women’s life and it can affect a person physically, mentally and emotionally. Taking care of our reproductive health is important as it may lead to STD and other diseases. Taking care of women’s reproductive health involves a combination of lifestyle changes, regular check-ups and other proactive measures.

India ranks high in cases of unprotected sex where as many as 72% of sexually active young people have had sex with new partners without any protection.

Here are some ways how women can take care of their reproductive health:

  • Practice safe sex

Practicing safe sex is important to prevent diseases like STD or pregnancy.  Use condoms or other forms of birth control to prevent unwanted pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections.

  • Get regular screenings

Regular gynecological exams, including Pap tests, mammograms, and HPV tests, can help detect any abnormalities early on and improve the chances of successful treatment.

  • Maintain a healthy lifestyle

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle prevent us from many diseases be it physical or mental. Eating a balanced diet, getting regular exercise, and managing stress can help maintain overall health and reduce the risk of reproductive health problems.

  • Address any pain or discomfort

Women reproductive system is complicated and there are many health hazards related to it. In case you face any pain, discomfort, or unusual discharge should be addressed promptly with a healthcare provider.

  • Avoid smoking and excessive drinking

Smoking and drinking is injurious to our health. Both smoking and excessive drinking can negatively impact reproductive health and increase the risk of certain cancers.

  • Stay up to date on vaccinations

Getting vaccinated against certain diseases, such as HPV, can help prevent reproductive health problems. Human papillomavirus (HPV) is the most common sexually transmitted infection (STI). Most people with HPV don’t develop any symptoms but can still infect others through sexual contact.

  • Consider alternative menstrual products

There are many menstrual products available in the market like menstrual cups, and tampons. Menstrual cups or cloth pads are environmentally friendly and can be more comfortable than traditional disposable products.