Diabetes is one of the common disease that has a massive negative impact on our body, causing complications like neuropathy and retinopathy. It also has a negative effect on a person’s sleep cycle. Sleep plays a vital role in maintaining our physical and mental health which helps to maintain glucose metabolism and reduce insulin sensitivity.

People with diabetes experience frequent urination and excessive thirst which affect their sleep cycle. Sleeplessness can lead to unhealthy food cravings which may lead to weight gain and diabetes. Inadequate sleep may lead to a reduction of the hormone leptin and increase ghrelin, making a person hungrier than usual.

Sleep cycle can be improved by eating healthy, maintaining sleep schedule and avoiding caffeine. The root cause of sleep deprivation must be identified to find out ways to manage it.  Innovative solutions like digital therapeutics are available to manage blood sugar levels and reverse them through a combination of lifestyle changes and medication adherence.  

Late-night screen scrolling often leads to the eating of unhealthy late-night junk which may lead to insomnia, and obesity resulting in the rise of blood sugar level. When a person does not have good sleep and a stressful life increases the risk of developing Type 2 diabetes mellitus. Insufficient sleep, excessive sleep and irregular sleep promote glucose intolerance.

With the passage of time, diabetes increases the risk of heart disease and high blood pressure. A diabetic person must ask their healthcare professionals to check whether they have symptoms of insomnia or sleep apnea as this may affect the treatment. Home healthcare organizations are enabling people to get access to treatment of sleep disorders which ensure that the intervention is done at the right time. Sleeping patterns affect your overall health and well-being.

Furthermore, the lack of sleep can increase levels of the stress hormone cortisol, which can disrupt glucose metabolism. Insomnia can also lead to an increase in the ranks of ghrelin, the hunger hormone, salt retention and inflammatory markers. All of these factors contribute in worsening the condition of diabetes.

So, it is essential for diabetic people to develop good sleeping habits as it helps to control the disease. Healthy sleeping habits include 7-8 hours of sleep, practicing good sleep hygiene, keeping track of blood sugar levels and having a healthy diet can help in relieving diabetes.