According to World Health Organization (WHO), 10-20% of children and adolescents experience mental health disorders.

Half of all mental illnesses begin by the age of 14 making early identification and treatment critical for improving outcomes and preventing long-term negative consequences.

According to a research, parental support and involvement are essential for improving positive mental health issues in children.

The involvement of parents in a child’s life lowers the level of anxiety and depression.

It is seen that one in six children aged between 2-8 years has a mental, behavioral or developmental disorder (as per statistics of CDCP).

It is essential for children to have strong bonding with their parents and family members as this boosts the self-esteem and confidence of the child.

It also helps a child and parents to handle difficult situations co-operatively with ease.

Parents should give importance to their child’s mental health and try to understand the situation they are going through.

Practicing open communication with your child, building trust and reciprocity can help parents integrate and lower their child’s stress levels.

Parents practicing this monitoring mechanism can help evade higher risks of adverse effects on the child’s health and development and also reach out for appropriate treatment.

Encouraging healthy habits, such as regular exercise, healthy eating and getting enough sleep, can help to improve mental health.

Active listening and validation of children’s emotions are also crucial for promoting positive mental health outcomes.

It is found that active listening and empathy from parents were associated with lower levels of depression and anxiety in children.

Encouraging social connections and minimizing stress can also positively impact children’s mental health.

Social connections have been shown to be protective factors for mental health and high levels of stress can negatively impact mental health.