Our immune system consists of a complex network of cells, tissues, organs and substances that help our body to fight against diseases. Whenever our immune system fall weak, we become prone to diseases. A change in weather, air pollution and the rise of flu affects our immune disease.

 Frequent illnesses, healing wounds at a slow pace and getting constant cold are the signs of a weakened immune system. Taking medications play a vital role but taking home remedies are natural way to treat it as it does not involve any side effects like the medicines.

Here are 4 immunity-boosting spices that boost our immune system:

  • Cumin seeds

Cumin seeds have antioxidant properties that eliminate tiny free radicals attacking the cells. It is also rich in iron, calcium and magnesium that help to improve overall health. Not only it add flavour to the foods but also boost the immunity as it has anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.

  • Turmeric

Turmeric add flavour and colour to the food known to boost immunity and reduce inflammation in the body. Curcumin is a major component of turmeric that possess antiviral properties that help to fight infections and illnesses. Curcumin is rich in antioxidants, anti-fungal, antimicrobial and antibacterial properties that keep infections at bay.

  • Ajwain

Carom seeds or ajwain have anti-inflammatory properties that reduces inflammation and boost the immune system. Ajwain can be easily consumed and is known to ease digestive issues and gastric problems.

  • Clove

Clove is a great source of antioxidants that support the immune system. It is rich in Vitamin E, Vitamin C, Folate, Riboflavin, Vitamin A, Thiamine, Vitamin D, Omega 3 fatty acids and contain anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties that maintain the overall health.