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DIMAPUR: Dimapur is in dire need of an efficient system to clear and clean drainage and stagnant water besides collection and disposal of heaps of garbage collected across almost all places especially the marker area.

As more effluent spilled over to roadside, the accumulation of dirty water is posing health hazard besides emitting foul smell.

The municipal authorities need to give more focus on maintaining clean and healthy environment in Dimapur as more visitors and tourists arrive for various purposes.

Shopkeepers claimed that they had lodged several complaints with DMC, but lamented that its only response was like applying band aid to a serious problem.

On accumulating garbage especially inside markets, a shopkeeper said that though the DMC did collect rubbish etc. and also cleared drains, yet the problem was back to square one after three to four days.

The New Market, below the NL Road, is the busiest shopping area in Dimapur but fast becoming a centre for rotten garbage, uncollected trash and foul smell. Thousands of people go to the market everyday to buy live meat, fish, eggs, vegetables.

A shopkeeper said his fervent hope is that after the Urban Local Body elections the newly constituted Dimapur Municipal Council body will pursue the goal of making Dimapur City one of the cleanest in the North-east.