A protective parent may prepare children for a better adult life and and letting your kids know you are keeping an eye on them reduces the risk of physical and mental health issues in adulthood, a study has revealed.

According to the study , children growing up in places where gunshots are common and heat and electricity are unreliable often face pain and other physical health limitations in adulthood.

Early life experiences affect physical and mental well-being throughout our lifespan. As the child grows up, his/her childhood memories start fading but they know how much they were loved and supported and these things get embedded in them.

The study found that setting limitations and letting your kids know you are keeping an eye on them reduces the risk of physical and mental health issues in adulthood. Communicating love and the desire to be part of the child’s life is probably the magic ingredient of vigilant parenting that benefits the child.

The study involved responses from more than 4,825 respondents of the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics’ National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 97.

It is to be noted that feeling unsafe at home, not getting the basic resources that you need in life or being exposed to neglect or abuse are those things that literally change how your body functions. The stress from those types of experiences can make it difficult for the body to regulate itself. Those things have an effect on health even in early adulthood.

Parents who show they care what their kids are up to can positively impact their health. Kids who grew up in less safe environments but had parents who were very involved with their lives didn’t experience the same health ailments as their peers without vigilant parents. Vigilant parenting was also associated with fewer mental health problems in adulthood.

The children who are given deadlines whenever they go for outing with friends and kept a watch on what they are up to with their group of frinds are less likely to develop bad habits like smoking or binge drinking.