Horoscope Today
Daily horoscope

Horoscope Today | 20 February 2023: If you are interested in astrology, let us take you through what your day could look like.

Here is the horoscope for 20 February 2023.

Read what the stars have in store for you today (20 February 2023).

ARIES (March 21-April 20)

Some pending payments are likely to be received. Your networking skills for furthering your career may be in evidence today. You might seem a little distant from your family. Eating on time will help you not gain unnecessary weight. A new place is likely to be explored by some. Health problem dogging you for long is set to disappear soon. You are likely to judge a situation correctly on the academic front and benefit.

TAURUS (April 21-May 20)

Your happiness will be the one appreciated most by your family members. Efforts put on the health front will be beneficial. Plans to enhance wealth will succeed and increase your financial strength. Things are likely to improve on the work front. Travelling to your childhood place is indicated and will bring back fond memories. Academically, your mental clarity and power of retention will hold you in good stead. Today turns out to be one of the most favourable days for you.

GEMINI (May 21-June 21)

You will get a rise in your income. Family ties are set to get strengthened through a marriage. Monetary situation remains stable and additional earning is foreseen. You will derive much professional satisfaction by contributing to an ongoing project. Please try to maintain your diet and exercise regularly. Property acquired recently promises to give good returns. You are likely to judge a situation correctly on the academic front and benefit.

CANCER (June 22-July 22)

Businessmen having overseas trade might have to suffer a bit in commercial transactions. Peace prevails on the home front and will allow you to rest and recoup. Financially, you will hold your own and maintain stability. Excellent showing will help you establish a niche for yourself on the professional front. Health will remain satisfactory through your own efforts. Insulating yourself from stress on the academic front will help in giving your best.

LEO (July 23-August 23)

It is a great day for you, as you will be gaining profits from everywhere. Your family will become wealthier with every changing day. Your advice on some project will be much valued. Those travelling can expect to have a comfortable journey. Acquiring new property is on the cards for some. Insulating yourself from stress on the academic front will help in giving your best. Your reputation on the social front is set to rise.

VIRGO (August 24-September 23)

This is not the right time to invest in something as it could result in loss. Celebratory mood prevails on the home front. Efficient handling of some pending issues will help lighten your workload. You are likely to judge a situation correctly on the academic front and benefit. You can be on the centre stage on the social front as your popularity soars. Your mental and emotional state would be quite happy. You will be enjoying good health with the blessings of the stars.

LIBRA (September 24-October 23)

A lucrative investment opportunity is likely to be seized by some. All your problems in the household will start settling down. Professionals are likely to add to their skills by undergoing some course or training. Today, you may feel much more energetic than before. Expect your property to remain in demand in the sellers-market. You are likely to take control of things on the academic front and forge ahead successfully.

SCORPIO (October 24-November 22)

All the past investments happening of and the flow of money is great. You will also get lot of love from your wife and your children. Some of you are likely to get social mileage out of a function that you have organised. Your performance is likely to be rated somewhere amongst the top. Travelling with friends is on the cards, so brace yourself for an exciting time! Continued good performance will motivate you to give in your best on the academic front.

SAGITTARIUS (November 23-December 21)

Previous investments will start giving good returns now. The work-related stress can also lead to bad family relations for you. You might have to deal with different situations and some of it might not be favorable for you at workplace. Individuals dealing with any kind of digestive or gastric problems will have impeccable relief. You will need to guard against careless mistakes on the academic front.

CAPRICORN (December 22-January 21)

Health of someone close can show rapid improvement. Monetary front strengthens as money lent to someone is returned. Innovating something at work will add a new dimension to your performance. You will succeed in reining in a family youngster going wayward. Driving to enjoy the weather is very much on the cards for some youngsters. There is a fair chance of finalising the sale of a property. Don’t let up on revision, as it can prove expensive on the academic front.

AQUARIUS (January 22-February 19)

It is advised to not invest in any kind of business venture or property. Those leading sedentary lifestyles will find the will power to go in for regular workouts. You will be much sought after in a professional event. You can enjoy driving around town with friends or relations. Broad base your studies, instead of getting too much into the specifics on the academic front. Your outgoing nature is likely to expand your friends’ circle.

PISCES (February 20-March 20)

You will have two pay attention towards your financial arrangement. You may find yourself in a position of advantage on the monetary front. Those in uniformed services will find promotional prospects brighten up. Someone in the family may chip in and lend a helping hand to you at work. Someone is likely to help you in getting a good property deal. Easing off on the academic front is possible, so it is time to tighten your belt.