High cholesterol is a health condition when the cholesterol level in the blood is above 200 mg/dL, specifically the LDL or the low-density lipoprotein component of the cholesterol which causes heart diseases.

Here are few ways to control high cholesterol level:

  • Maintain a healthy diet

A healthy diet plays a significant role in the cholesterol management plan. A fat-devoid diet is considered to be a healthy diet. Trans fats are unhealthy for our bodies and should be avoided completely.

  • Diet plan is not supportive enough

The diet you are following may not be sufficient enough to counteract cholesterol. For example, Keto diets should not be followed if you are having high cholesterol levels in the body.

  • Cholesterol management plan is not wholesome

To manage high cholesterol, indulge yourself into a healthy routine every day, including eating food at proper intervals, exercise and take your medicines properly. Include exercise or physical activity as a part of your daily routine to keep yourself healthy.

  • Your other medications are interfering with your statins

People with high cholesterol who also consume other medications are likely to not get the required benefit from having statins. It is important to inform your doctor about it and look for alternative treatments for other conditions.

  • Binge drinking

Alcohol consumption affect the cholesterol level of our body. Consuming alcohol in large amount will not help you to control the cholesterol level even if you are taking medicines.

  • Not taking the right dose of medicines

One should regularly keep a check on the blood cholesterol level and consult the doctor if any problem arises. Do not take stress by pushing yourself to lower your cholesterol level overnight. Keep your mind calm and engage in a healthy lifestyle which will not just lower the cholesterol level but will also keep you healthy.