Stress is one of the most common emotions that we feel due to the hectic and complex lifestyle that we have to follow in the 21st century.

While yoga is certainly a biggest solution for stress relief, there are some good old herbal concoctions too which can serve as the best tonic to get rid of our blues.

Ayurvedic drinks are not only good for the body but are also the best nourishments for the mind too and can thereby play an important role in the maintenance of holistic well-being.

Dr. Dixa Bhavsar Savaliya, an Ayurveda expert, has shared a herbal tea recipe on an Instagram post that is not only good for stress relief but also works in curing mouth ulcers and keeping acidity at bay.

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“Rose Tea is my go-to drink when I feel stressed, overwhelmed, anxious or just tired,” wrote Savaliya.

According to Ayurveda, the qualities of rose are Shukrala (improves male and female fertility),
Grahi  (absorbent, bowel binding, useful in IBS and diarrhea), Deepani ( improves digestion), Hridya (cardiac tonic, good for heart), Varna (promotes skin complexion).

Rose also has qualities such as Shishira (coolant), Pittahara (Balances Pitta), Dahahara (relieves internal burning sensation, seen in Pitta imbalance conditions such as gastritis, sore throat, laryngitis, sun stroke etc) and Jwarahara (useful in fever).

To make rose tea, take one glass of warm water and add one tablespoon of dry rose petals in it. Cover the glass with a lid and let the rose petals infuse in the water for 5-7 minutes , strain and drink.

Besides relieving stress, rose tea is also good for curing mouth ulcers, excessive thirst, vomiting, migraine, acidity, excess bleeding, depression, anxiety and overthinking.

Also Read : 5 amazing health benefits of green tea