Tea is one of the most favourite beverages in the world and most people doesn’t think of starting the day by first refreshing themselves with a good cuppa right after waking up from their beds.

However, the most important thing whose value we grossly underestimate and throw it away as some useless stuff in the dustbins is the used tea leaves.

It has become a daily habit to use tea leaves to brew our warm refreshing drink and get rid of it later when actually it can be of great value that we haven’t even thought of it before.

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From cooking to cleaning, leftover tea leaves can be utilized in numerous ingenious ways and make our lives easier by saving money as well as time.

Here are 3 ingenious ways to use leftover tea leaves-

Clean kitchenware and kitchen surfaces

Keep some damp used tea leaves on chopping boards, kitchen tables and rub gently to clean. The tea leaves will absorb and remove away strong odour from fish or meat along with leaving the spots sparkling clean by taking away the grease and dirt. Meanwhile, if you run out of soaps to clean your utensils, fret not and use leftover tea leaves to scrub away stains and odour from it before washing them finally with water.

Deodorize cupboards and refrigerator

Tea leaves are excellent absorbents and the idea of using them as a deodorizer for your cupboards , refrigerator or ovens is definitely a brilliant one which can be termed as a wise household hack too. Dry out some leftover tea leaves, pack them in cheesecloth and leave it inside your refrigerators, cupboards, oven or any closed spaces. It will refresh any closed spaces with a new life literally.

Seasoning food

Our most favourite condiments like salads and pickles can become tastier by an extra notch with the help of used tea leaves. Use a tiny bit of leftover tea leaves when it is still fresh to prepare a nutritious salad. It will give a taste of pungency to it as well as serve as a good form of salad dressing too. Tea leaves serve as an excellent pickling agent as well. Combine used tea leaves, oil, lemon juice and and add to a mason jar. Keep it for a week and then you can use it to spice up your sandwiches and chapattis.

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