Diabetes is a common health problem that is affecting millions of people across the globe and which calls for major lifestyle changes once you are detected with it.

According to World Health Organization (WHO), diabetes and kidney disease due to diabetes caused an estimated 2 million deaths in 2019.

Meanwhile, diabetes is also a major cause of blindness, kidney failure, heart attacks, stroke and lower limb amputation.

According to celebrity nutritionist Shikha Gupta, diabetes can be controlled or prevented when we take note of these early alarming symptoms and signs that are often taken for granted-

i) Constant sugar cravings

If you are full after having eaten a good meal but still have an odd craving for consuming sugar, sweets, chocolates or ice-creams, it is a sign that you may be suffering from diabetes. Meanwhile, sudden increase of appetite or frequent hunger pangs is also an alarming sign that you might have been affected by diabetes

ii) Feeling of drained energy

When you feel exhausted or seems to be on low energy even after eating only healthy home cooked food or could not concentrate on things well at times and feel very sleepy at odd hours of a day, it is a sign that you might have been affected by diabetes.

iii) Frequent urination

A common sign of diabetes that goes often unnoticed is going for urination more than necessary or feeling too thirsty often.

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If you experience any of these symptoms, get yourselves tested for diabetes and follow these steps as recommended by Gupta-

1. Start exercises immediately. This helps in uptake of glucose from the blood.

2. Start your day with 1tbsp of ghee to stabilise insulin

3. Include enough fibre in your diet.

4. Have Cinnamon water 3gms post lunch

5. Have 1tsp  of soaked methi seeds in morning

6. Cut down excess carbs, not more than 3-4 servings in a day.

7. Focus on including healthier fats like coconut, nuts and seeds as this will keep energy levels and insulin levels stable.

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