Assam 97 Deepor Beel Guwahati

Guwahati: In the latest bird count at Deepor Beel in Guwahati, a total of 96 species and 26,747 birds were found to be living at the Ramsar Site.

On the morning of January 4, 2023, the Guwahati Wildlife Division with its annual Bird Count in Deepor Beel along with the Spot Bird Photography contest found 26,747 and 96 species of birds.

The entire wetland was divided into 9 areas where nine groups conducted the bird count on foot as well as via country boats. The methodology adopted was the Visual Encounter Survey.

In total 37 participants were part of the exercise. The participants comprised bird experts, student volunteers, members of NGOs and Forest officials of the Assam Forest department.

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Eminent Ornithologist Dr Anwaruddin Choudhury was also present during the Bird Count. 

“This Bird Count exercise of January 2023 in the only Ramsar site of Assam revealed greater species diversity and also increase in the total bird count as compared to 2021’s record of 66 bird species and total bird count of 10289”, a statement read.

List of Birds Recorded in Deepor Beel:

Sl. No.English NameTotal
1Common Pochard2234
2Cotton Pygmy Geese103
3Greylag Geese237
4Lesser Whistling Duck3901
5Ruddy Shelduck4
6Common Teal9
7Ferrugineous Pochard2544
9Northern Pintail650
10Northern Shoveller148
11Tufted Duck100
12Fulvous Whistling Duck65
13Red Crested Pochard169
14Greater Adjutant Stork78
15Lesser Adjutant Stork11
16Asian Openbill122
17great crested grebe35
18Little  grebe78
19Glossy Ibis340
20Cattle Egret670
21Little Egret5
22Intermediate Egret75
23Great Egret44
24Grey Heron4
25Purple Heron26
26Indian Pond Heron62
27Oriental Darter3
28Great Cormorant15
29Little Cormorant451
30Booted Eagle2
31Eurasian Coot1500
32Purple Swamphen358
33Little Ringed Plover5
34Grey-headed Lapwing87
35Northern Lapwing128
36Red-wattled Lapwing31
37Black-winged Stilt564
38Bronge-winged Jacana37
39Pheasant-tailed Jacana47
40wood sandpiper41
41Green Sandpiper8
42Sandpiper u/k1
43Common Sandpiper6
44Common Redshank4
45Common Greenshank12
46Pied Kingfisher3
47White-breasted Kingfisher19
48Barn Swallow6961
49Citrine Wagtail135
50Rosy Pipit3
52Siberian Stone Chat15
53Black Drongo30
54Black Kite100
55unknown pipit2
56Richard Pipit1
57Rosy Pipit211
58Paddyfield Pipit19
59Asian Pied starling44
60Brown shrike12
61Common Kestrel2
62Chestnut Tailed Starling22
63Striated Grassbird15
64Blyth’s Reed Warbler1
65Clamorous Reed Warbler3
66Jungle Mynah56
67spotted dove3
68Plain Prinia7
69Indian Cormorant1
70Great Cormorant3
71Blyth’s Reed Warbler5
72Dusky Warbler6
73common tailor bird5
74Red Vented Bulbul4
75Great Mynah2
76common mynah4
77ruddy breasted crake1
78Sand Martin/Bank Swallow1
79Grey Throated Martin8
80Asian Palm Swift8
81wood swallow2
82brown-headed seagull26
83greenish warbler1
84White Wagtail10
85black-tailed godwit1
86Temminck’s Stint30
87Siberian Rubythroat1
88Bengal Bushlark2
89Black Headed Oriole1
90Eurasian Hoop3
91Oriental Honey Buzzard2
92Ashy Wood Swallow2
94Zitting Cisticola1
95Eurasian Tree Sparrow26
96long-tailed Shrike8
97small pratincole3000
Grand Total26747

Along with the bird count exercise, a spot bird photography contest was also organised. 

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Divisional Forest Officer Jayashree Naiding stated that this is the second consecutive year of bird count exercise conducted by the Guwahati Wildlife Division. 

She thanked all Volunteers for active participation in the documentation of the Avifauna of the only Ramsar site of Assam.