The resolutions of a New Year have long been a way to take stock of what is truly important in our lives, allowing us to pause and reflect on the year behind us, as well as plan for the year ahead.

Although, resolutions are made to break but being determined about the promises made to oneself can make us follow it.

In 2023, improving your body, mind and soul is a great way to organize your long-term goals for the New Year.

Keep a track of your new  year resolutions by using a calendar planner to schedule dates for each resolution and checking off daily fitness goals. This year, it’s time to put you first!

Here are 8 New Year resolutions that can create a healthy year for you:

Build a better budget.

If there’s one New Year’s resolution that will help you the most in the long run, it’s making a vow to save more money. Make a proper budget that works for you and strictly follow it. Try to control your shopping habits and buy things when required rather than buying things out of temptation.

Prioritize your health

Working for hours in the office and sticking to our daily deadlines make us forget about our health. We start taking the health conditions lightly which sometimes lead to serious health issues. So, this year make appointments for a health check-up and take out time to visit to the doctor.

Find a Yoga YouTuber

Instead of the usual, pressure-filled resolution of: “Get on a workout schedule and stick to it for at least three days per week,” try a more realistic approach by finding a YouTube personality who practices yoga you can follow. Not only you will get the chance to work out in your own home with minimal equipment requirements, but you can try as many instructors as you want before settling on a favourite.

Set up a healthier sleep routine

The ultimate goal is to create a healthier sleep schedule, but start small by refreshing your bedroom. You can pick up your favourite scented candle, bed sheets, pillow covers to create the proper sleep schedule.

Read more books.

January is the perfect time of year to snuggle up with a new book. Take suggestion from friends who also have a habit of reading books and make a list of the books of different genres which will broaden your perspective, increase your knowledge and make you think about things you have never thought about.

Create a cleaning schedule you’ll stick to.

Create a cleaning schedule to clean up your household mess and keep all the stuffs in proper places which will avoid creating mess and help you to find things easily when required.

Learn new things

Take out time for yourself and put yourself into new things which you wanted to learn since a long time.  Make it a hobby and it will boost your potentiality.

Travel countryside

Sometimes taking a break from work and travelling to the countryside refreshes your mind, takes you away from the work pressure and deadlines. Travelling broadens your perspective and you get to know that there are a lot of things to explore away from the hustle and bustle of the city. We get to know there is more to explore than being engaged in our work life.