Green tea

It is a common habit of most ladies to take hormonal pills for regulating their periods or menstrual cycle.

Ayurveda expert Dr. Dixa Bhavsar Savaliya claims that hormonal pills can actually cause more harm than good to your health both physically and mentally.

She suggests that it is a wise idea to opt for natural remedies to balance your hormones as it does not cause weight gain, mood swings, insomnia and depression like symptoms that hormonal pills can normally do.

Dr. Savaliya has provided a recipe of an Ayurvedic tea that you can make easily at home and have for regulating your periods or menstrual cycle.

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To make this tea, you need a glass of water, 1 tsp fenugreek (methi seeds), 1 tsp sesame (til), 1 small piece of jaggery (5 gm) and 1 tsp turmeric.

Mix all the ingredients in a pan and boil it for 5-7 minutes on a medium flame, strain it and sip on it while its warm.

If you have weight issues, you can also add the juice of half a lemon to this tea as it will also aid in weight loss efficiently without any adverse effects.

Dr. Savaliya advises that you should drink this tea daily in morning for twelve weeks if your periods are delayed by three or more months.

“Start having it from 2 weeks prior to your periods until your periods arrive if your periods are delayed by 1-2 months. Have it just a week prior to your periods until your periods arrive if your periods are delayed by 15-25 days,” she said.

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The doctor has also described how fenugreek seeds and sesame seeds can help in regulating your menstrual cycle without any pain and harm.

“Fenugreek seeds (methi) are rich in phytoestrogens (isoflavones) which have a positive effect on the estrogen levels. They helps in improving the thickness of endometrium which helps improve blood flow during periods,” she said.

Besides regulating delayed periods, fenugreek seeds also help reduce excess sugar and insulin spikes and also aids in losing weight safely and effectively.

Meanwhile, sesame seeds help improve insulin sensitivity and are rich in zinc which helps improve progesterone.

As sesame seeds are hot in in nature, it regulates your period by reducing excess kapha and also aids in getting smooth and painless menstruation.