There is an utmost necessity to use the right kind of products for your winter skincare routine so that the largest organ in our body can stay healthy and beautiful in the cold months of December and January.

As dryness is a common skin problem that most of us face in winter, we should make it a point to research and then splurge on winter skincare products.

With most companies luring people with fancy advertisements about their line of winter skincare products, it is totally up to us to make a good and wise choice before making an investment in our healthcare.

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If you are spoilt for choice when it comes to selecting products for your winter skincare routine and are unable to decide which might be the best for you, it is always best to buy those recommended by a dermatologist.

To reduce drying and keep skin supple even in winter months, celebrity dermatologist Dr. Aanchal Panth has recommended following these simple skincare tips-

Keeps showers short 

Although showering our bodies with hot water may providing a fleeting moment of extreme comfort, it is not at all good for our body. “We all like long showers but they are very drying on the skin. If you like to bathe with hot water, keep shower duration short,” Dr. Panth said. The dermatologist suggested people with severe dry skin to avoid taking showers and switch to the common way of having baths using a bucket and a mug. For combating the level of dryness, Dr. Panth advises adding 8-10 spoons of coconut oil in a bucket of warm water.

Avoid using soap on body daily 

A lot of soaps available in the market comes loaded with harmful chemicals that strip away the natural moisturizing oils in our skin thereby causing more dryness. To control dryness during winter, Dr. Panth suggested the usage of soap only once or twice a week. However, the dermatologist recommended that the areas where you can apply soap daily include the armpits and groins.

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Change your skin care actives 

 It is always a wise idea to be mindful of the chemicals or ingredients in our winter skincare products so that it does not harm our skin in the long run. Dr. Panth advises people to go slow with agents like salicylic acid and glycolic acid and retinoids as it may irritate our skin. She recommends the usage of serums having ingredients like niacinamide, peptides, centella , panthenol, allantoin, hyaluronic acid or ceramide as these chemicals are gentle on the skin.

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Use thicker moisturisers 

As moisturizing is the main way to keep dryness at bay, we should always be careful about the kind of moisturizers we select and buy for use in winter. According to Dr. Panth, moisturisers with ceramides, colloidal oatmeal, shea butter, cocoa butter or glycerine work well during winter months. She advises the application of a moisturizer on damp skin. The moisturizers or lotions that are best for winter months as per the dermatologist includes Venusia Max , Aveeno , Aquaoat body lotion,  Bioderma atoderm baume, Excela max lotion  and Cera Vera cream for very dry skin