Wedding being the most special and auspicious day in a bride’s ‘life. Not only do they want their guests to be happy, the event to run smoothly, and to manage a budget, but the idea is that it should be the most beautiful day of a bride’s life by looking gorgeous on their big day.

Brides are super anxious when it comes to their skin and skincare routine right before the wedding day. But what they do not pay attention to is the smallest and simplest of details when it comes to skincare rules to scratch out the possibilities of a breakout or any other imperfections. 

So we’re here to guide you through the process by talking about the 5 skincare rules that you must follow:

1. Eat wholesome and clean meals

Skincare is not just about what you apply to your skin to make it look flawless. Rather it starts with what you eat because that is what reflects on your face. So, brides, we recommend that you eat nutritious wholesome homemade meals with a balance of protein, carbs, and fat.

2. Hydrate yourself enough

Another golden skincare rule is drinking lots of water. But remember that gulping water isn’t a remedy for glowing skin but sipping it slowly and continuously throughout the day is essential.

3. Avoid stress and meditate regularly

All the stress that you make your body and mind go through shows on your face in the form of breakouts or dullness. Meditating is one of the most effective ways to calm your mind and body from all the day-to-day wedding planning stress. 

4. Wear sunscreen every day

We cannot emphasise enough the importance of applying sunscreen every day to brides of all or any skin type. In fact, six months before the big day, we do not want you to take any chances and therefore suggest a re-application of sunscreen after 4-5 hours. Sunscreen does not just protect your skin from sun damage but also from other harmful UV rays that we cannot see.

5. Use an eye cream to protect your eyes

The skin around the eyes is also where the signs of ageing start to show first and eye creams are not just for people with problems relating to dark circles. So pick up a good eye cream today and add this skincare rule to your routine to protect, nourish and smoothen the skin around your eyes. 

6. Exfoliate your skin regularly

While your face must look bright and glowing on your wedding day, do not forget to take care of your body as well. By exfoliating regularly you can ensure that the dead skin is removed.