habits to break to have a successful relationship with your partner
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Relationships often turn sour when an argument is hold on aggressively by the persons concerned and accusations regarding it often becomes longer than necessary.

While conflict regarding opinions often arises between partners, it is essential to resolve them with acceptance and reasoning before it leads to a massive fight.

However, sometimes couple can often fight over an issue and it can soon lead a strain in their relationship when it is blown out of proportion.

Here are 5 things you should not do after fighting with your partner-

Remaining silent and ignoring for a long time

A sweet relationship can turn ugly in a brief period of time if one person keeps on ignoring the other completely for a longer duration. It is always better to try to listen to your partner, no matter how difficult it is, after a fight and avoid being turning deaf towards him / her. Meanwhile, don’t ignore their calls or texts to you. A rude response is far better than completely ignoring your partner after a fight. 

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Unwilling to accept apologies

An apology is a sweet gesture that a person can make towards his / her partner after a huge fight over an issue. It shows that he / she is ready to accept the mistakes and is asking for forgiveness. When your partner is offering an apology, be ready to accept it as you can witness a magical repair in your relationship within seconds. As an apology is a sort of seeking forgiveness and thereby a great virtue, you should be willing to accept it readily without being fussy.

Bringing out an old argument in future

When you see mismatch of opinions the next time with your partner, try not to stir up a fight by bringing over some issues of the past. There isn’t any logic of holding onto issues of bygone days and so it is always a wise idea to reason out your present conflicts with patience by talking calmly over it. By bringing out past issues every time you sense a fight is going to occur can only spoil a relation gravely.

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Urge to call out bad names

When you try to call out names that are very cruel at the time of a fight, the situation is only going to get worse with time and the argument can go on for hours. While shouting in loud voices in anger is a common thing during couple fights, the urge to win over your partner by calling out bad names can never solve any of your issues.

Sharing taunting content on social media

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It is a common sight to see people taunting others indirectly by writing long posts on social media or sharing some content that are relatable with their current situations. It is better to stay away from social media after an ugly fight with your partner. However, if you can’t keep yourself away from social media, be mindful of what you are posting after a fight with your partner. If you share or write things that can feel like an indirect taunt to your partner, it will feel like a serious breach of privacy and the relationship can then turn sour as another argument over it can occur.