Exercise is an important activity for maintaining both physical and mental health and is overall a necessity for holistic well-being.

It is always recommended by healthcare experts that a person should not eat heavy meals before exercise.

However, you can do munch on some selected food items for ensuring that you do not fall sick when exercising simply because you started it on an empty stomach devoid of any food.

According to nutritionist Lovneet Batra, you can munch on these five pre-workout snacks before exercise-

Banana Smoothie

Batra recommends people to have a glass of banana smoothie before exercise as it is a great pre-workout food that may help you to stay away from hunger for a long period due to the presence of resistant starch or pectin. Meanwhile, bananas are packed with potassium which is a mineral that aids in maintaining nerve and muscle function, and carbs that give you the energy needed to complete your sweat session. 

Sweet Potato Chaat

A great source of complex carbohydrates with a low glycaemic index, sweet potatoes are one of the best forms of carbs for sustainable, slow-releasing energy throughout an intense workout. Moreover, sweet potatoes are a rich source of Vitamin D due to which it is a great immunity booster. It is also known to have heat producing properties in the body so it is also a winter superfood.

Black Coffee & Banana

A cup of black coffee with a banana can be a energy boosting snack to have before you start your exercise sessions. This popular drink has been linked to greater strength, power, and endurance during a workout. According to Batra, banana makes the perfect pre-workout snack because it is easy to digest and provides a good amount of potassium, an electrolyte that gets depleted when you sweat during physical exertion.

Peanut Butter & Whole Grain Bread

 If you like to consume a proper meal before hitting the gym, Batra recommends that the ideal food choice then would be having a slice of whole grain bread with a tablespoon of butter. The nutritionist claims that this food combination is an excellent fuel for strength training with a mix of good fats, protein and carbs.

Coconut Water

A perfect pre-workout is a glass of coconut water. Coconut water is the perfect beverage for restoring hydration and replenishing electrolytes lost during exercise. Moreover, coconut water is packed with potassium which ensures you do not start cramping mid-workout.