Dimapur: The Nagaland Tribes Council (NTC) drew the attention of the Centre to the prevailing situation in Nagaland, saying the inordinate delay in finding a political solution to the Naga issue has become the bane of the miseries of the common man in the state.

“The general public in Nagaland have been the ultimate victim of the unabated and multiple illegal taxations, all kinds of suppressive and anti-people activities of the selfish authorities and the armed elements alike under the signed ceasefires during the last 25 years that have virtually destroyed everything both in public and private sectors,” the NTC said in a press statement issued by its media cell on Monday.

It said the worst victims are the educated youth and the tens of thousands of school dropouts.

The NTC said Nagaland, the second oldest state in Northeast India, has gone backward by 25 years in terms of progress and prosperity as proved by the progress of the other nine years younger states in the region which have developed to become quotable model states in the country.

Asking why this stagnation and backwardness despite being funded lavishly by the Union government, it reasoned that the unscrupulous elements have transformed the state into their “private goldmines”, particularly all through these 25 years of political negotiations.

“These elements, both state authorities and armed elements, have taken undue advantages on the gullible general public and their facilities with vengeance. Thus, Nagaland was made to be the safest haven for the exploiters in India,” it said.

According to the NTC, the sole remedial measure for the existing ailment of Nagaland is the Naga political solution.

 It expressed apprehension that the consequences of the further delay of solution or the fiasco will be disastrous.

The council said it is “badly perturbed” by the thick cloud of uncertainties being cast over the fate of the political negotiations between the government of India and the two groups of the Naga political negotiators – NSCN (IM) and the working committee of seven Naga National Political Groups or NNPGs – despite the peace process being in its 25th year.

The NTC urged the government of India to resolve the issue at the earliest without inhibition.

It assured the people are ever ready to have the solution and also ever prepared to handle should there be any consequences.