Four ways to deal with your anger

Anger, a natural feeling and everyone, even the calmest person on this planet experiences it from time to time. 

The feeling comes to one at random events depending on the situation that does not go as per our wish. One major reason for one getting angry is during an argument where the point of view usually conflicts.

A person can get angry almost anywhere depending on what situation they have been pushed to.

However, anger is a negative emotion and should be avoided. Mostly because it can be harmful to you as well as others.

Here are some ways you can prevent or manage your anger:

Improving the work culture

Get in touch with your colleagues at a very welcoming note leaving no space for any differences. Ensure that the work you are engaged in is what you like doing and even if you do not like it, do it in such a way that you do not end up in frustration. 

While dealing with issues at work, make sure to be rational.

Practise relaxation skills

This needs to be worked out better as when being at an unwanted situation, you need to relax yourself. Deep breathing exercises, concentrating on the flow of energies in your body may be quite helpful. Along with this, plug in your earphones and listen to soothing music or any genre you may like. You may also practise a few yoga positions if you want to relax or exercise before going to work. 

Journal down your thoughts

Maintaining a journal or a diary may to some extend help you with controlling the anger. Writing things down might sometimes serve you in figuring out why you’re angry and how to deal with it. Try writing a letter to someone to figure out what’s making you upset, how you’re reacting to it, and how you want to deal with your feelings. 

Writing the things on a paper or a diary that may make you angry may help in easing it as you are unable to share those with anyone else. At least your diary listens without judging anything.

You may decide not to send the letter because your emotions have subsided after writing it, or you may discover that writing it down helps you find the perfect words to use in a discussion.

Take a break

Well, a break is needed by anyone who has had enough. Sometimes anger can lead to a mental distortion and during this, one certainly needs to take a break. This can be of two types, the fist can be a short one while the other can be a long one.

For the short one, take a leave from your work and head for some good food or a movie or may be just a long ride or a drive. Calm your mind!

The second can be a much needed holiday. Go off the grid, switch off your phone and take a week out in the woods or the mountains. When you come back from this, your feel fresh. Or you can visit you cousin or that childhood friend whom you have not met in years.

Well, these are some ways you can ditch your anger.