Is the world heading for yet another war?

China sent at least 30 of its warplanes into the air defence space on Monday.

This was the biggest incursion of Taiwan air space by China since January.

On the other hand, Taiwan deployed its fighter jets to warn off the Chinese warplanes.

The incursion included 22 fighters and also antisubmarine aircrafts, Taiwan’s defence ministry said.

The incursion of the Taiwan air space by China came just days after a warning by the United States’.

Recently, US President Joe Biden had warned China against invading Taiwan.

Notably, China has intensified frequency of its air missions in recent months.

China has been claiming these air missions into Taiwan as training drills.

These incidents have increased tensions in the region.

China claims Taiwan to be a breakaway province, which it can take by force, if necessary.

Beijing has been claiming that the exercises were geared to protect its sovereignty.

Meanwhile, analysts are of the view that the incursions are a warning by China to Taiwan from moving towards a formal declaration of independence.