Colombo: Sri Lankan Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapaksa on Monday resigned as the nationwide protest continues to intensify.

His resignation came after President Gotbaya Rajapaksa in a special meeting requested the Prime Minister to step down as a solution to the ongoing political crisis in the country.

As per reports, the President Rajapaksa is expected to invite all the political parties in Parliament to form an all-party Cabinet as the PM has resigned.

The move came amidst massive country wide protests due to the economuc crisis in the island nation.

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Reportedly, the authorities had to deploy troops in Colombo on Monday as government supporters clashed protesters outside the president’s office.

With these going on, a nationwide curfew was announced to control the unrest as several people were hospitalized.

The Monday clash was said to be one of the the biggest clashes witnessed in weeks of anti-government protests.

The US envoy to Sri Lanka condemned Monday’s violence against anti-government protesters.

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“We condemn the violence against peaceful protesters today, and call on the government to conduct a full investigation, including the arrest & prosecution of anyone who incited violence,” ambassador Julie Chung tweeted. “Our sympathies are with those injured today and we urge calm and restraint across the island.”

It may also be mentioned that Sri Lankans have been suffering months of blackouts and dire shortages of food, fuel and medicines.

This has been the reason behind the sparking weeks of largely peaceful anti-government protests.

But the unrest on Monday escalated as opponents and supporters of the Rajapaksa family clashed.