If you have chosen Bengaluru as the new destination for your relocation, then we applaud your decision. The city is barrelling ahead with a ferocious tenacity that remains unrivalled by any other Indian city. It has made tremendous progress in the past few decades, and it is quite visible from the swanky corporate offices and wide-spread roads. But the progress has come at the cost of extreme environmental consequences, and the city is facing new challenges. So, if you want to build a home within the peace and calm of nature, you must look for eco-friendly homes on sale in Bengaluru. 

Hunt For Eco-Friendly Homes For Sale in Bengaluru

In the past few decades, Bengaluru has experienced an exponential rise in the population and the subsequent rate of urbanisation. This has put a tremendous stress on the limited amount of resources and created new challenges related to climate change. As a result of urbanization in Bengaluru, the city has lost 88% of its green cover and 79% of its water bodies which is an alarming signal. The city has become prone to rising temperatures with temperature rise reaching 2.50° C from 2° C. This has made living in the city quite troublesome. With decrease in green cover, the city has not only lost its flora and fauna but also become a flood-prone region.

Such alarming reasons would convince anyone to look for eco-friendly homes for sale in Bengaluru. Decision to buy eco-friendly homes in Bengaluru is a crucial step, but we also need to consider various aspects when you look for eco-friendly homes in Bengaluru.

Look Out For These Aspects When Looking For Eco-Friendly Homes For Sale in Bengaluru

  1. Renewable resources: If you are looking for eco-friendly homes for sale in Bengaluru, then you should ensure that they are powered using renewable energy sources such as solar energy, wind energy, etc. This has an enormous impact on the carbon emission reduction and reduces your dependency on the scarce non-renewable resources such as coal, oil, etc. We are talking about sources like solar photovoltaic and wind energy. This greatly affects your carbon footprints and saves the non-renewable natural resources like coal and oil. 
  1. Water Treatment: Another factor to consider while selecting an eco-friendly home in Bengaluru is to understand how the house meets its water requirements. An eco-friendly or a sustainable home has low flow fixtures installed which reduces the dependence on external fresh water. It also must have a rainwater harvesting system on the premises to recharge the groundwater and utilize it for varied domestic purposes and a sewage treatment plant (STP) on-site to treat household wastewater and reuse it for gardening and flushing within the premises.
  1. Waste Management: To become environmentally friendly is to be mindful of how much waste we produce and its consequences. We ought to have a system which treats organic waste (by composting on-site), and manages hazardous waste such as e-waste, batteries, and the likes through tie-up with authorized recyclers or vendor partners. So, when deciding on buying an eco-friendly home in Bengaluru, ensure that your selection offers a waste segregation, handling, and management system. 
  1. Energy Efficient Technologies: Your house of choice should be equipped with energy efficient technologies such as LED lighting, Variable Voltage devices that enhances efficiency.
  1. Conserves Biodiversity: Biodiversity is an integral part of our ecosystem. Hence, when you decide about your home, look for places that not only meet your expectations and needs, but also play a critical role in biodiversity conservation of the city.

Build a Sustainable Home With The Right Real Estate Company

Choosing the right real estate company when buying eco-friendly homes for sale in Bengaluru reduces most of your anxieties and troubles. Hence, we highly suggest you consult Mahindra Lifespaces, a pioneer of green homes in India. With their residential project, Mahindra Eden in Bengaluru not only offer a luxurious home but also an eco-friendly house equipped with all the aspects required in such homes. Through provision of these aspects in their homes, it fulfils 6 of the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDG) on Clean Water and Sanitation (SGD 6), Sustainable Cities and Communities (SDG 11), Affordable and Clean Energy (SDG 7), Responsible Consumption and Production (SDG 12), Climate Action (SDG 13), and Life on Land (SDG 15). 

To read more about the UN SDG, visit their official website (https://sdgs.un.org/goals). So, if you are searching for eco-friendly homes for sale in Bengaluru, you must consult Mahindra Eden.