Co-founding his own unique NFT project named Tripsters, he wants to go ahead and make a mark around this space

Guwahati: It’s a known fact that digital assets like cryptocurrencies and NFTs which didn’t carry much weight earlier have gained sudden traction with the world looking at it as one of the best investment opportunities of current times.

When it initially debuted, there was no much noise about it, as people were wary about its workings and what it held ahead. But in recent times the entire outlook towards these alternative investment vehicles has changed, and the world is drifting towards these as they find an opportunity to grab which can possibly give massive returns in the future.

Many individuals stepped into this space, honing up their skills hovering around this space, with some even launching their own projects, like Eazy E, who apart from being a lawyer co-founded Tripsters, an NFT project which has stood out from the rest owing to its distinctive features.

According to Easy E, the DeFi space has been gaining prominence with the world looking at it as an ideal investment opportunity that has been presented of late. There are hordes of enthusiasts entering this sphere, having realized the kind of future potential it carries, and that’s the reason he worked upon bringing an NFT project which would amaze those who want to be a part of it.

“Tripsters is a collection of 10,000 psychedelic mushrooms and toads on the Ethereum Blockchain, which offers buyers to combine it with a BAYC that users already own that helps in creating a third new NFT, while the owned NFT retains its original form.

Owing to its uniqueness, it will catch maximum attention and am confident of this project topping the game soon,” informs Easy E, who has worked hard in creating this project which he feels will grab the limelight shortly.

He says that though there are numerous projects being launched back-to-back, only those with strong distinctive features will survive in the long run. One has to be cautious while choosing them, as the wrong ones can turn out to be disastrous for your investments.