Guwahati: Russian President Vladimir Putin has raised alarm across the world by placing his nuclear forces on high alert.

Here are the details of the nuclear weapons possessed by Russia:

Russia has a total nuclear warhead inventory of 5,977 – this is the biggest in the world, said the Federation of American Scientists.

According to the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, the Russian arsenal includes 4,447 warheads of which 1,588 are deployed on ballistic missiles and at heavy bomber bases.

There are an “approximate additional 977 strategic warheads, along with 1,912 nonstrategic warheads” being held in reserve.

What threat do the weapons pose to Ukraine?

Intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) in Russia’s possession have the capability to reach and destroy major global cities such as London or Washington.

ICBMs can reach a top speed around 10 minutes after launch which could see one fired from Russia reach the UK in just 20 minutes.

Defence expert General Sir Richard Barrons said, “President Putin has raised the stakes – he’s started to insinuate nuclear weapons at a global level.

“This means the sort of equipment (like) an intercontinental ballistic missile – that means it reaches from Russia to the US and obviously into Europe.

“The warhead at the front of it has a yield of between 300 and 800 kilotonnes (of TNT equivalent).