Over 30 people, including children and women, were killed and their bodies were burnt by the Myanmar military in the country’s conflict-torn Kayah state. 

This was claimed by Karenni Human Rights Group on Saturday. 

“We will not rest until the perpetrators of this horrific inhuman human rights violation are identified,” the Karenni Human Rights Group said. 

On the other hand, the Myanmar military has said that it had shot and killed “terrorists with weapons” from the opposition armed forces in the village. 

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The Karenni National Defence Force (KNDF), one of the largest civilian militias opposing the Myanmar junta, said that the dead were not members of the outfit but innocent civilians seeking refuge. 

“We were so shocked at seeing that all the dead bodies were different sizes, including children, women and old people,” a commander from group told Reuters, asking not to be named. 

“I went to see this morning. I saw dead bodies that had been burnt, and also the clothes of children and women spread around,” a local resident told Reuters.