Sapan Kay Cee

Sapan Kay Cee has remained a popular known name of India particular in social world.

She is a politician and social worker based in Delhi. She has worked in different sector for social welfare.

She is also a political consultant who helps politicians of different political parties. She has remained an active name in social work and helped the place to be back on its feet after it has been hit hard by the tragedy.

She has always issued her statement on various issues and this time, she has expressed her desire against Uttar Pradesh (UP).

In her statement, she has expressed her deep concern against the increasing crime rate in the state of UP.

The state, which is regarded as the ‘Heartland of India’, is plagued with the rise of crime in it.

The UP police is known to have an lackadaisical approach that has made things bad to worse.

She cited out different crimes including murder, abductions and rapes which seem to have become the order of the day.

“We see crime to be a normal incident in the state now,” feels the activist and she went on to say that “anyone in the state can shoot anyone as we see the criminals roaming freely in the state. They are perpetrating crimes like rapes, and many more similar crimes and no one is there to stand for the victims. The government of the state has remained a mute spectator of these conditions and they are taking resort to it.”

She expressed her concern for the crimes being perpetrated in broad daylight.

She concluded saying that it is high that people should rise against it and fight against the crime. Also, she stressed that the government should take action against antisocial elements. She request to all for raise voice against criminals & crime.