The Naga Army of the National Socialist Council of Nagalim or NSCN-IM observed the 42nd ‘Naga National Agony Day’ at its general headquarters at Camp Hebron, 45 km from here, on Monday to commemorate the Naga soldiers’ act of heroism and sacrifices and in honour of the Naga martyrs by releasing mementos, the ministry of information and publicity of the outfit said in a release.

On the occasion, the martyrs’ widows and orphans were also honoured. To mark the event, the Naga national flag was flown half-mast at the Naga Army headquarters.

“The Naga history was made by the martyrs defending the rights of the Nagas. The extreme sacrifices they made will never be forgotten in the generations to come,” the release added.

Bhadra Gogoi is Northeast Now Correspondent in Nagaland. He can be reached at: [email protected]