Altogether 2040 members of Self Help Groups (SHGs) of 197 SHGs under Dibrugarh Municipal Board (DMB) on Friday completed training on SHG organisational management, books of records and formation of SHG Cooperative Societies.

The Assam State Urban Livelihoods Mission (ASULM) in January this year started a capacity building drive among SHGs under Dibrugarh Municipal Board with an aim to eliminate poverty from municipal areas.

Indrajit Gam, City project manager of National Urban Livelihood Mission (NULM) said, “The trainers came from Andhra Pradesh to impart training to the SHG members. The training programme immensely helped the women members of urban SHGs to run their respective SHGs in a better way. Each member had shown keen interest to learn the basics from the trainers.”

Gam added, “From January, training was provided to the SHG members on book keeping and other basic things and how to run a SHG smoothly. Women empowerment is the main objective of our programme and we hope that this training programme will change the perception of our womenfolks.”

Speaking on the occasion, Dibrugarh Deputy Commissioner Laya Madduri stressed the importance of women in the society and urged the women folks to work for the development of the society.

“Self Help Groups can create differences in the society. If each SHG works on the societal issues then it can be easily eliminated. I urged the SHGs to make sanitary napkins because it will change the perception of the people,”Madduri said. She urged every woman folk to maintain sanitation and cleanliness to make their life better.

The NULM is to reduce poverty and vulnerability of the urban poor households by enabling them to access gainful self-employment and skilled wage employment opportunities, resulting in an appreciable improvement in their livelihoods on a sustainable basis, through building strong grassroots level institutions of the poor.

According to the project manager, the NULM will provide revolving fund (RF) amounting Rs 10,000 to the SHGs to form corpus of the group. The basic eligibility for getting RF is that a SHG should be functional for a period of at least three months and thereafter the SHGs will be graded on the basic of ‘Panchasutra’.

“We have learnt the basic things from the trainers how to run SHGs. We are very much thankful to them for imparting us the training,” said a SHG member.