Representative image.

The BJP government in Assam is contemplating to introduce a cow protection bill in the next Assembly session to prohibit the transport of the animal outside the state, Governor Jagdish Mukhi said on Saturday.

The governor said this while addressing the second day of the first session of the new state Assembly.

Mukhi in his customary speech, prepared by the BJP-led government, said people respect and worship cows, considering it a sacred animal.

“I am happy to inform you that my government plans to introduce the cow protection bill in the next Assembly session. The proposed bill envisages imposition of a complete ban on the transport of cattle outside the state,” governor Mukhi told the House.

He said that the state government would adopt a zero-tolerance policy in protecting the cows and stringent punishment would be given to those found ferrying the animal outside Assam.

The Governor said that once the cow protection bill is passed in the assembly, Assam would join other states in the country which have passed similar legislation.

“Cows nurture people as the animal gives them life-sustaining and nutritious milk,” Mukhi said.

Smuggling of cows and other cattle to Bangladesh is rampant along with five Indian states – West Bengal (2216 km), Tripura (856 km), Meghalaya (443 km), Mizoram A(318 km) and Assam ( 263 km) shares 4,096-km border with the neighbouring country.

Of the 4,096-km border borders, 1,116 km are of riverine frontiers and a large portion is unfenced and tough terrain