In yet another incident of rhino poaching at Assam’s Kaziranga National Park (KNP), poachers have killed a one-horned rhino and chopped off its horn at the park.

Forest officials on Tuesday recovered the carcass of the rhino near the Hanuman forest camp in Kohora range of the national park.

“The rhino was killed and its horn was taken away by the poachers three-four days back,” said a forest official.

The official said this is the first incident of poaching taken place in the park this year.

Earlier in August last year, an incident of rhino poaching was reported from Kohora range of the Kaziranga National Park.

In May 2020, the poacher had killed another one-horned rhino in the national park and chopped off its horn

The forest guards of the national park had spotted the carcass of the rhino with its horn missing near Duamari Beel under Agoratoli range of the national park.

In 2020, three incidents of rhino poaching were reported from the national parks.