Popular Assamese composer Joi Barua’s composition “New Song Order” has won the best soundtrack for the animation film ‘Fantasy of Companionship between Human and Inanimate’ in the Cannes World Film Festival this year.

Barua took to his Facebook page to announce this feat.

“So PROUD!!! The ‘Fantasy of Companionship between Human & Inanimate’ – the animation film which has our songs played by the London Symphony Orchestra and the London Voices, wins the award for the Best Soundtrack at the ‘CANNES WORLD FILM FESTIVAL’, FEB ‘21. Also, it makes a clean sweep of the various other awards. Thank you all !!!!!” the singer wrote on Facebook.

Barua collaborated with Susan Lim, a surgeon from Singapore on the ‘Fantasy of Companionship between Human and Inanimate’, a film narrating the story of inanimate futures and artificial life.

The animation film comprises classical interpretations of songs by composers Joi Barua, Ron Danziger and Matthieu Emyard, which were played by the London Symphony Orchestra and London Voices.

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The songs were set to western classical style by Manu Martin from Paris, thus becoming the soundtrack to the movie.

The animation movie won a number of awards in different categories at the Cannes World Film Festival, including the best soundtrack.