A total of 2,31,86,362 voters including 1,17,42,661 male, 1,14,43,259 and 442 third gender, will cast their votes in the ensuing three-phase Assam Assembly election, said the Chief Election Officer (CEO), Assam, Nitin Khade on Saturday.

Out of the total voters, 62,134 are service people, 11 are overseas electors.

The total number of doubtful voters (D-voter) is 1,08,596 while 1,32,081 voters are persons with disability (PwD).

Of the PwD voters, 69,261 are male, 62,809 are female and 11 are third gender, CEO Khade said during a press conference on Saturday.

Maximum of the PwD voters are from the Goalpara district.

This time, the number of voters under the age group of more than 80 years is 2,90,677 including 1,36,049 male, 1,54,627 female and 1 third gender.

The Election Commission will issue notification for the first phase (47 Assembly constituencies) on March 2, 2021.

For the first phase, the last date of submitting nomination papers is March 9, 2021.

The nomination paper will be scrutinised on March 10, 2021.

The last date of withdrawal nomination is March 12.

The polling in first phase will be held on March 27 (Saturday).

For the second phase of poll (39Assembly constituencies), the notification will be issued on March 5.

The last date of submitting nomination papers is March 12 and the scrutiny will be done on March 15.

The last date for withdrawal of nomination is March 17, 2021.

The polling in second phase will be held on April 1 (Thursday).

The notification for the third phase (40 Assembly constituencies) will be issued on March 12, 2021.

The last date for withdrawal of the nomination papers is March 19.

The polling for the third or final phase will be held on April 6 (Tuesday).
The counting of votes will be held on May 2, 2021 and the election process will be completed on May 4, 2021.

“In view of the ensuing Assembly Elections, 2021 the Election Department has taken several measures and initiatives to ensure a free and fair election in the state,” the EC said.

Out of the total of 33,530 polling stations 5,325 have been identified as auxiliary police stations, 2,125 as critical polling stations and 338 have been identified as police stations having vulnerable hamlets, the CEO, Assam informed.

A total of 2,41,269 police personnel will be trained for the election.

Additional director general of police (ADGP), Assam, LR Bishnoi has been nominated as the nodal officer (training).

The training programme has been finalized.

The training of police personnel has been started on February 26, 2021 and the process will be completed by the first week of March 2021.

Altogether 768 locations to accommodate CAPF have been identified by the district SSP in association with civil administration / CAPF representative.

Minor works like construction of Cook Shed / Toilet, Electrical, Water facility etc, which are temporary in nature will be ensured before arrival of the Coys.

So far 40 Coys of CAPF, deployed for area domination have been accommodated in the existing locations.

A total of 6,93,127 trainings will be conducted, out of which 39,175 have been already been conducted as on February 26, 2021.

The first round of training for the polling officials in the district is reported to be completed on March 10, 2021.

The health department has communicated that all the COVID19 materials will be delivered in the districts by March 5, 2021.

In view of the COVID19 situation and need for maintaining COVID protocol and COVID appropriate behaviour, the chief electoral officer in consultation with the nodal officer for COVID19 in Assam has come up with Standard Operating Protocols for various processes related to general election to Assam Legislative Assembly 2021.

The Election Commission of India on August 21, 2020 issued a broad guideline which was followed during the general election to Legislative Assembly of Bihar.

These guidelines shall be followed during the conduct of general election to Assam Legislative Assembly 2021.

All election officials and employees in Assam will be treated as frontline workers and will be vaccinated for COVID19 with effect from March 1,2021.

“We seek the cooperation of all the stakeholders including media, general public and all the officers and staff of various departments of Government of Assam. The office of the Chief Electoral Office is ready for the forthcoming election in all aspects,” the EC said.