Illegal cutting of earth underway in Bajali

The illegal cutting of earth on the banks of Pahumaram and Kaldia in the newly formed Bajali district poses a serious threat as such activities if unchecked will lead to erosion.

Indiscriminate cutting of earth is also taking place in agricultural land in various parts of the district.

Locals alleged that the forest department officials may be involved with the party in illegal earth cutting as the authorities have not initiated any action against them.

The Banglipara area under Pathsala forest range has been witnessing illegal earth cutting on the riverside.

Also read: Assam: Erosion, siltation affects agriculture life in Lakhimpur

“The authorities are doing nothing to prevent illegal cutting of earth by the riverside that is gradually damaging the embankment,” said a local of Banglipara.

“We are really worried as such activities will lead to erosion and floods during the monsoons,” he said.

Assistant general secretary of Asom Jatiyatabadi Yuva Chatra Parishad (AJYCP) Bijan Bayan said, “We strongly condemn the illegal cutting of soil as this leads to environmental degradation.”

President of Anchalik All Assam Students Union (AASU) Biswajit Ganguli said, “We demand early action from the higher authority so that such illegal activities can be prevented.”

Sasanka Talukdar is Northeast Now Correspondent in Pathsala. He can be reached at: [email protected]