The protesting terminated teachers in Tripura have sought for donations for survival.

With a donation box in hand, a team of protesting terminated teachers on Friday evening arrived at the office of the Director of Education Department and sought donations.

The protestors sought donations from the Education Department Director Uttam Kumar Chakma and other officers and staff of the Department.

“It has been 33 days that we are on the road demanding our jobs back. We have not received any salary for the last nine months. It has become impossible for us to feed our families,” said Indrajit Majumder, a protesting terminated teacher.

“The Education Department director is responsible for our plight. He misguided the previous Left Front Government and now is misguiding the present BJP Government,” said a protesting terminated teacher.

As many as 10,323 terminated teachers have been staging sit-in demonstration at Agartala’s Paradise Chomuhani since December 7 last year.

Also read: Tripura: Parties gear up for TTAADC elections

The agitating teachers have been demonstrating day and night braving bitter winter cold.

Family members of the terminated teachers have also joined the protest.

Notably, as many as 78 teachers have already died due to mental stress or committed suicide after losing their jobs.

It has been 33 days that the protest started, but no representative from the Government has approached the agitating teachers offering dialogue.

Meanwhile, the sacked teachers have threatened the BJP-led State Government of an undemocratic movement.