Grassroot Boxing Promotional in association with Mizoram-based Sete Boxing Academy will organise an international professional boxing event in Mizoram to promote professional boxing and local boxers to the international arena.

Grassroot Boxing Promotional chief and boxing coach Mujtaba Kamal told reporters on Wednesday that the event is scheduled to be held in March this year.

Kamal said Mizoram boxers have great potential to achieve international limelight and the people of Mizoram have a great love for boxing games.

“Mizoram has a lot of talented boxers, who can bring fame to not only Mizoram but also India. Our main goal is to promote professional boxing in the state and assist the local boxers to take part at the international level,” he said.

He said Mizoram boxer Lalrinsanga will be fighting for the WBC supper feather title during the boxing event, which is expected to be a huge boost for the Mizoram boxing circuit.

Mujtaba Kamal and his team on Tuesday met state sports minister Robert Romawia, who consented to extend support for the event.

They discussed the development of professional boxing in Mizoram.

Royte tweeted that he had a fruitful meeting with the Cultfit India team headed by Kamal on professional boxing vis-à-vis promotion of professional boxers from Mizoram.

“We agreed to work together to organize International Professional Boxing Bout in Aizawl sometime in March 2021,” Royte tweeted.

Meanwhile, the authorities of Sete Boxing Academy thanked Angel business promoter DR Lalmunapuia and Mizoram State Cooperative Marketing and Consumers’ Federation (MIZOFED) managing director Lalrinzuala for being instrumental to the establishment of the academy.