The 23rd India Club-Anup Lahoty Open Tennis Championship 2021, organised by India Club, Guwahati under the auspices of All Assam Tennis Association will be held from January 20-24, 2021 at the club courts.

The championship is being organised for boy’s and girl’s singles under-14 and 18 years and gentleman singles category.

Cash scholarship will be awarded from quarterfinal stage in under-14 and 18 years categories, said a press release issued by India Club, Guwahati.

Signing-in will be held on January 19 from 1 pm to 5 pm.

The organizers have requested all participants to sign-in in the stipulated time.

No entries over the phone will be accepted.

The participants, who have signed-in for the championship, will be considered for the draw.

An organising committee has been formed with Bijan Kumar Choudhuri as chairman, Amlandeep Das as organising secretary, Kalyan Kumar Das as tournament director, Priyanuz Dutta Lahkar as chief referee and Biswadeep Bora, Rajeeb Kumar Bora, Rajiv Dutta, Binod Das, Gaurav Choudhury and Anshuman Das as members to run the championship smoothly and successfully.