The National Family Health Survey 2019-2020 (NFHS-5) has found that 23.4 per cent of children are stunted, while 9.9 per cent are wasted in Manipur.

Ther term stunted refers to the height for age and wasted means the weight for height.

The survey also revealed that people living in urban areas of the state have more access to health and nutrition compared to those in rural areas.

Also read: NFHS-5 finds marginal drop in Assam’s infant and child mortality rates

The study also indicated a healthy female ratio with 1066 females born for every 1000 males.

87.6 per cent of Manipur’s population was between the age of 15 to 49 years.

95.2 per cent of females as well as males were literate in the state, the NFHS-5 found.

98.1 per cent of the households in Manipur have access to electricity.

Moreover, 58.7 of males and 44.8 per cent of females have access to the internet in the state.

The survey also recorded a relative increase in the level of awareness on HIV/AIDS, with 50.6 per cent women and 55.9 per cent man women having a comprehensive knowledge of the disease at present.