COVID-19 vaccination drive has got underway in the United States.

New York nurse Sandra Lindsay became the first person in the United States to be administered with the COVID-19 vaccine.

Sandra Lindsay was given COVID-19 vaccine shot on live television.

Lindsay was given the COVID-19 vaccine shot in her arm at the Long Island Jewish Medical Center in New York.

Sandra Lindsay after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine shot said, “I feel hopeful today. Relieved.”

“I hope this marks the beginning of the end,” Lindsay added.

Meanwhile, US President Donald Trump took to Twitter to announce the administration of first COVID-19 vaccination in the country.

He said, “First Vaccine Administered. Congratulations USA! Congratulations WORLD!”

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On the other hand, US President-elect Joe Biden said, “Stay hopeful – brighter days ahead.”

US President Donald Trump has further informed that people working in the White House would get the COVID-19 vaccine later, unless in dire need.

“People working in the White House should receive the vaccine somewhat later in the program, unless specifically necessary. I have asked that this adjustment be made. I am not scheduled to take the vaccine, but look forward to doing so at the appropriate time,” Trump said in a tweet.

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Vaccine made by Pfizer Inc and its German partner BioNTech began arriving in the United States Hospitals on Monday.

Vaccines are being shipped in boxes containing dry ice that can keep supplies at minus 70 degrees Celsius, necessary to preserve the drug.

Notably, several other countries worldwide have accepted the Pfizer Inc and BioNTech formulated vaccine.

First to receive COVID-19 vaccines in the United States would be the health care workers.

United States is among the worst affected Countries in the world with the nation’s death toll crossing a staggering 3 lakh mark.

Meanwhile, the total COVID-19 cases in the United States now stands at a whopping 16.3 million.

COVID-19 vaccination in the United States started barely a week after the vaccination drive began in the United Kingdom.

Vaccination drive has also begun at the United Arab Emirates (UAE), which began administering COVID-19 vaccine shots manufactured by Chinese drugs giant Sinopharm.