The Indian government has issued guidelines for the first phase of the Covid-19 mass vaccination drive.

The government targets to vaccinate about 30 crores people in the first phase of the vaccination drive, for which 60 crores doses of vaccines will be procured.

A total of 28,947 cold chain points are being prepared across the country to store the different vaccines that will soon be available for emergency use.

Priority will be accorded to vaccinating healthcare and frontline workers followed by people above 50 years of age, those under 50 with co-morbidities and finally other civilians, a report stated.

Under the new guidelines, the vaccination teams comprising of five members will administer the Covid-19 vaccines to 100 to 200 people during each session per day.

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The medical team will monitor people who have received the vaccine for 30 minutes to rule out any side-effect.

The government will also form a digitalized platform, Covid Vaccine Intelligence Platform (Co-WIN) system to track various vaccine candidates as well as beneficiaries who have registered for vaccination.

People can register themselves on the Co-WIN website by furnishing 12 photo identity documents including voter ID, aadhaar card, driving license, passport and pension document.

The guidelines issued also direct the states to procure the vaccine from one manufacturer in one district so as to avoid mixing of different vaccines in the field.

Moreover, while transporting the vaccine those involved will have to ensure that the vaccine carrier, vaccine vials or ice packs will in no manner be exposed to direct sunlight.

Vaccines and diluents will be kept inside the vaccine carrier with the lid closed until a beneficiary comes to the site of immunization.

All states will implement an integrated comprehensive advocacy communication and social mobilization strategy to address various issues surrounding the vaccine rollout process.