India on Tuesday successfully conducted the second flight-test of the Quick Reaction Surface to Air Missile (QRSAM) System.

In the second flight-test, the QRSAM System tracked the target accurately and successfully neutralised the airborne target.

The second flight-test was conducted at around 3:42 pm from the Integrated Test Range, Chandipur, off the coast of Odisha.

“The test was carried out once again, against the high-performance Jet Unmanned Aerial Target called Banshee, which simulates an aircraft,” the Defence Ministry said in a statement.

The Radars acquired the target from a long-range and tracked it till the mission computer automatically launched the missile.

Continuous guidance was provided through the Radar data link.

The missile entered the terminal active homing guidance and reached the target close enough for proximity operation of warhead activation.

The flight-test was conducted in the deployment configuration of the weapon system comprising of Launcher, fully Automated Command and Control System, Surveillance System and Multi-Function Radars.

The QRSAM weapon system, which can operate on the move, consists of all indigenously developed subsystems.

All objectives of the test were fully met. The launch was carried out in the presence of the users from the Indian Army.

A number of range instruments like Radar, Telemetry and Electro Optical Sensors were deployed which captured the complete flight data and verified the performance of the missile, the ministry said.

Teams from ARDE and R&DE(E) from Pune, LRDE Bengaluru, and IRDE Dehradun in addition to the Missile Complex Laboratories from Hyderabad and Balasore participated in the flight-test.

The first in the series test of QRSAM took place on November 13, 2020, achieving the milestone of a direct hit.

The second test proved the performance parameters of the warhead, the ministry claimed.

Defence Minister Rajnath Singh has congratulated the DRDO scientists on the successful flight-test of QRSAM.

Secretary DDR&D & Chairman, DRDO, Dr G Satheesh Reddy has also congratulated all the teams who worked on the QRSAM project, on the second continuous successful flight-test.