Representational image.

A six-year-old girl who was found dead in Uttar Pradesh’s Kanpur district was brutally killed, gangraped and her lungs were then taken out of the body.

The girl had gone missing on Saturday night from the Ghatampur area.

Police said that lungs were removed by the accused to perform black magic, believing that it will help a woman give birth to a child.

Police said the accused Ankul Kuril (20) and Beeran (31) — who were arrested on Sunday–handed over the lungs to key conspirator Parshuram Kuril to perform black magic.

Parshuram was taken into custody on Monday. The officer added that Parshuram’s wife too was detained due to the apprehension that she knew about the incident, but did not talk about it to anyone.

The accused have been charged under the Indian Penal Code (IPC) and the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act.

According to the reports, Parshuram initially tried to mislead the police, but facing intensive interrogation, he broke down and confessed to his crime.

He got married in 1999 but had not had a child so far, following which he persuaded his nephew, Ankul, and his friend Beeran, to kidnap the girl and remove her lungs.

The accused who were heavily drunk kidnapped the girl and gangraped her before killing her.