Bijan Kumar Choudhury has become the new president of India Club, Guwahati while Biswadeep Bora has been re-elected as the new secretary general of the club.

A new body of the premier tennis-playing club of Assam was formed for the year 2020-2022.

The new committee was formed in the club’s 83rd annual general meeting held in the club premises on Sunday with its outgoing president Abani Barua in the chair.

The annual report and the audited statement of accounts for the year 2019-2020 were adopted in the meeting.

All the office-bearers for the year 2020-2022 were elected unopposed except for the post of the secretary general.

In the election, the incumbent secretary general of the club, Biswadeep Bora defeated his opponent Anupam Chowdhury by a substantial margin and was elected to the post again.

The meeting nominated Amal Dutta Lahkar as the chief patron while Dipak Das and Dr. Ashim Chowdhury were nominated as the patrons of the club.

The meeting also elected the following office-bearers for the year 2020-2022.

Vice-president – Dwip Baruah and Nazim Nasar Ahmed; joint secretary (tennis) – Amalandeep Das, joint secretary (club services) – Hemanta Sarmah, joint secretary (sports) – Anshuman Das, treasurer – Suresh Kumar Beria.

The executive members are– Siba Prasad Baruah, Bhaskar Hazarika, Rajeeb Kumar Bora, Gaurav Chowdhury and Kaushik Talukdar, said a press release.