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In a landmark development Bangladesh on Thursday signed a tripartite agreement with India and Russia for civil nuclear cooperation. This will be first ever nuclear power plant in Bangladesh.

The tripartite agreement was signed in Moscow on Thursday by Deputy Director General of Rosatom (Russia’s Alex civil nuclear body) Nikolay Spassky, Ambassador of Bangladesh in Russia SM Saiful Hoque and Indian Ambassador to Russia Pankaj Saran.  Rosatom is constructing nuclear power plant in Bangladesh on a turnkey contract basis.

India, on the other hand, has showed interest in participating in a Russian project in Bangladesh. Indian is having experience in building its nuclear power stations and operating the Kudankulam Plant built with Russian assistance.

India is also extending support for capacity building and has been training Bangladeshi nuclear scientists for the project.

The three signatories will cooperate in the field of personnel training and mentoring, exchange of experience and provision of consulting support. Indian companies can be involved in construction and installation works, the supply of materials and equipment of a non-critical category in the interests of the project .