Meghalaya deputy chief minister Prestone Tynsong on Friday said that making allegations in the form of statements in the media was “wrong” and instead, people should come to the government with facts.

“It is wrong, and if you have facts, please do not shy away from coming straight to the government. Come to the room of the deputy chief minister also. We are here to serve the people of the state, and from day one itself, when we took over the government, we said very clearly, and the principle of the MDA government is against illegalities,” Tynsong told reporters.

Tynsong was referring to the allegations of illegal transportation of coal from Meghalaya, and the allegation against power minister, James K Sangma.

Asked about the allegations in a statement issued by the state BJP, Tynsong said, “Be it BJP or anybody, I would request the concerned people who easily informed about the allegations in the form of the press statement, that this is not the solution. Let me reiterate that if you have any kind of justification or hard facts, that so and so has done this or that, please come to the government as the door is always open, and then action will be taken accordingly.”

On Thursday, the Meghalaya BJP demanded immediate arrest of people involved in illegal transportation of coal.

“The Home Minister, Lahkmen Rymbui should order the immediate arrest of the people involved in the illegal coal racket which was cracked by the Assam Police. The Home Minister should not act arbitrarily when it has come to light that power minister James K Sangma was involved,”  BJP Vice President, Bernard Marak said in a statement.

Alleging that the Home Minister opposed CBI inquiry in the scams in GHADC, Marak said, “This seems to be the reason why they won’t allow CBI inquiry because they are involved in illegal and unlawful activities.”

Marak said that Rymbui should not hide the high-level culprits who are exploiting the public and the coalition partners.

“If James is involved in illegal transportation of coal, he should be immediately arrested along with others,” Marak demanded.