Swachh survekshan
Photo: Internet

A special outreach programme called ‘Swachh Survekshan’, a campaign under the Swachh Bharat Mission was held at the Kanya Mahavidyalaya in Geetanagar on Tuesday, Guwahati.

The outreach programme was held by the Directorate of Field Publicity along with the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, who also collaborated with various other media outlets to successfully organize the maiden event.

Siddhartha Bhattacharya, MLA of Guwahati East constituency as the Chief Guest of the event, said that the supports and encouragement of the public is crucial in making Swachh Bharat mission a success in the state.

“The main reason that the big problems in India remain unsolved is because of various other small issues that remain unsolved at the grass root level. People should understand their role in the society and take up responsibility to make the Swachh Bharat initiative a success in the state. Only then the step towards clean India can be implemented.” Bhattacharya said while addressing the meeting.

The Director General (North Eastern Zone) of the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, KS Dhatwalia encouraged the people to adopt cleanliness drives as part of their daily lives and not think of it as a government implemented programme, informed an official.

“Swachhta begins from our home, which ultimately spreads to our neighbouhood, then our cities and ultimately to our states and countries. With our own effort, encouragement and motivation, we can bring about major changes in the society we live in.” Dhatwalia said.

Various artists belonging to the Song and Drama Divison of the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting also performed small skits and drama on cleanliness which was aimed at creating awareness among the public.

The ‘Swachh Survekshan’ is a survey initiative undertaken by the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs, functioning under the Swachh Bharat Abhigyan.