Baldeep Ningthoujam, a class IX student from Imphal, has come up with the mobile game which is now available on Android phones.

A 14-year-old boy in Manipur has developed a mobile game titled ‘Coroboi’ based on Covid-19 guidelines.

Baldeep Ningthoujam, a class IX student from Imphal, has come up with the mobile game which is now available on Android phones.

Ningthoujam told reporter that he would like to be an ethical hacker in future and work with Artificial Intelligence or AI.

He said that his uncle had recommended that he develop a game on Covid-19.

Thus, he decided to work on the idea and scrolled through numerous articles and YouTube videos to develop an app.

Ningthoujam said that he started working on it a week ago and the app was launched last weekend.