Kohima, Image credit: jimzubemophotos.com

Kohima deputy commissioner Gregory Thejawelie on Thursday declared total lockdown of Kohima municipal area under Kohima Sadar jurisdiction for one week from July 25 to 31.

The Kohima district task force took the decision as per the need of the district at an emergency meeting on Thursday, Thejawelie said in an order.

He said the complete lockdown measures will be imposed to enhance active surveillance by the Kohima Chief Medical Officer Coordination Team.

It will ensure more comprehensive contact tracing, early detection of suspected cases and isolation measures so as to slow down the chain of transmission process and to further contain the spread of Covid-19 infection.

The district task force entrusted Kohima Municipal Council administrator Kovi Meyase to coordinate with the Association of Kohima Municipal Wards Panchayat for implementation of the lockdown measures in respective colonies and wards by maintaining all the government guidelines.

The meeting also took up issues in regard to follow up measures to be strictly implemented after the lockdown period is over such as mandatory wearing of face masks, social distancing and other safety protocols in public places by the public.

All public movement, except on rare medical emergencies, has been banned while all categories of shops except for pharmacies outside the sealed area and all religious places will remain closed during the lockdown period.

Religious services and congregation, movement of all commercial and private vehicles, except for unavoidable medical emergencies, gathering of people at public places within the residential areas in ward/colonies/villages have been prohibited.

The order said marriages will not be allowed during the period while funeral/last rites related gatherings will ensure social distancing and the maximum number of people allowed will not exceed more than 20 people.

Inter-state, inter-district and inter-village movement has been restricted. However, movement of medical emergency cases and essential goods and services with proper safety measures will be allowed.

Following are the services that have been exempted from the lockdown.

  • Departments like the district administration, police, paramilitary/army, medical, chief minister’s office, Raj Bhavan staff.
  • Treasury, prisons, Kohima Municipal Council, PHED, power, NIC, DIPR, NSDMA, fire and emergency services, home guard and civil defence, food and civil supply, social welfare, information technology and communications.
  • AIR, Doordarshan, media, hospitals, medical clinics and nursing homes, BSNL and private telecom services, Internet service providers.
  • Banks with minimal staff and ATMs, petroleum outlets and LPGs, quarantine centres, Bethel Kitchen, persons/patients with medical emergencies and those person/individual involved in authorized Covid-19 related duties are exempted.
  • Besides, all the members of the Nagaland Assembly, all administrative heads of departments/heads of departments, Assembly officials and others involved/detailed for the sixth session of the 13th Nagaland Legislative Assembly to be held on July 30 have also been exempted.