COVID19 vaccine
Representative image.

A COVID19 vaccine, which is being developed by the University of Oxford, is safe, well-tolerated, and triggers an immune response.

According to media reports, the vaccine, called AZD1222, is being developed by the pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca and researchers at the University of Oxford.

The vaccine, called AZD1222, is being developed by pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca and scientists at the University of Oxford.

However, the vaccine “did not prompt any serious side effects and elicited antibody and T-cell immune responses” according to the trial results published in The Lancet medical journal.

“We hope this means the immune system will remember the virus, so that our vaccine will protect people for an extended period,” a media report quoted study lead author Andrew Pollard of the University of Oxford as saying.

“However, we need more research before we can confirm the vaccine effectively protects against SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) infection, and for how long any protection lasts,” Pollard added.

AstraZeneca’s is one of the leading vaccine candidates against COVID19 pandemic.

COVID19 has so far claimed the lives of more than 600,000 people.

AstraZeneca has signed agreements with governments across the world to supply the vaccine if it proves effective and gains regulatory approval.

The company said it will not seek to profit from the vaccine during the pandemic.

Regarding the vaccine, Assam health minister Himanbta Biswa Sarma also tweeted: “Huge positive development- The phase 1/2 Oxford COVID-19 vaccine trial is now published. The vaccine is safe, well-tolerated, and immunogenic. These results are extremely encouraging.”